Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Opening day of deer season

Around here deer season is a holiday. My husband takes all of his vacation during this time and we hunt as a family. This year is the first year we have let both of our kids go on the first day. I've always been afraid of too many hunters in the woods and someone getting hurt. But, this year I allowed our 14 year old daughter go and sit by me.

Happy tears!
As we were walking to our spot she counted every gun shot that we heard. Sixteen was her final count by the time we sat down. I don't think she thought there were any deer left in the woods if everyone of those shots connected with its target. We weren't in our spot 10 minutes and her daddy came across the radio and said he got one. Now, she's really starting to look sad. She's not a very patient person. Five minutes go by and we hear another shot closer to us and Cousin Re-Re as we call him, gets on the radio and says he's got one down too. Oh the look on her face.

Not twenty minutes later, Jordan and I see our first deer of the day. She says she saw two but I never saw another one. I shot and missed as I had to pull all the way across my body which was near impossible for me to do. The deer came closer and closer to us. So I'm whispering to her Shoot!... ShOoT!...SHOOT!  and finally she did. What a perfect shot she gave considering her gun gave us no pattern when we were trying to sight it in the day before. When she realized what she did the tears came a flowing by the buckets. She then called for her daddy on the radio to tell him. Everyone that was listening told her congratulations and daddy broke the news to her that she had to drag it out to the point as he couldn't reach us by four wheeler to help her. She wasn't like that but she did it. Way to go Jordan!
Jordan and her first deer ever. Shot using a .410

Here are other pictures from the first day.

Daddy doing the dirty work. 
5 point
Cousin Re-Re's spike
I didn't get a picture but my father in law got a 3 point also.

~ Farm Girl
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